Freejobalert and Sarkari Job of SSC, PSC, Railway, Bank, Private and Govt Jobs.Latest Recruitment News, Career Update vacancy details provide regularly.

PSC Recruitment


North Eastern Railway Recruitment: Gateman 954 Vacancy

North Eastern Railway recruitment Circular published for 951 Gateman Vacancies. Railway Jobs aspirant can check this Free Job Alert to participate who have qualified High School exam. This is contractual recruitment for the ex-servicemen. Gateman vacancies for Ex-servicemen in Nort Eastern Railway North Eastern railway released notification on 27th July for the 954 Gateman vacancies...

CSPHCL Recruitment of AE, JE, Medical, Welfare and Programmer

CSHCL is the short name of Chattisgarh State Power Holding Company Limited and it has recently invited online application for the Assistant Engineer, Junior Engineers, Medical Officer, Welfare Officer and the programmer Officer. Jobs aspirant of Chattisgarh can check this Free Job Alert to participate. Freejobalert Service collected some important info about this CSPHCL Recruitment of various vacancies....

MSEDC Recruitment of Electrician and Wire Man

Maharastra State Electricity Board released recruitment circular for the Electrician and Wireman Vacancies.  Jobs Aspirant who searching jobs in Maharastra can check this job details to participate. Freejobalert Service collected some important information related to this Maharastra State Electricity Board recruitment(MSEDC) of Electrician and(Trainee) and Wire Man. Maharastra State Electricity...

JVvNL Recruitment of all Technical jobs

JVUNL released a recruitment notification for huge no of Technical vacancies. Jobs aspirant who searching jobs in Rajasthan can check this Freejobalert to participate. We have collected some information related to this Jaipur Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited Technical helper recruitment. Technical Helper Jobs of JVUNL   There is a good chance for all Job aspirant of Rajasthan who has ITI...

MPEZ Engineers Jobs, Latest vacancies

MPEZ- Madhya Pradesh Poorv  Kshetra  Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited released a new notification for engineering vacancies recruitment.  The candidate who is highly Aspirant of assistant engineering jobs can check this recruitment details to apply online.  Free job alert service...

OIL India Limited Recruitment of Various Vacancies

Oil India Limited released a recruitment circular recently. Oil India Jobs Aspirant who searching for jobs with M.Sc or BE, B.Tech degree can check this Free Job Alert to participate. Freejobalert Service collected some important information related to this Oil India Limited recruitment of various...

MGVCL junior Engineer Recruitment notification

Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Limited released a recruitment circular for Vidyut Sahayak vacancies. Candidates who have Engineering degree may check this Freejobalert to participate in this Junior Engineer Recruitment of MGVCL. Freejobalert Service collected information from the official notification...

UPPSC Recruitment Advertisement and Job Details

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has released a new recruitment notification for Combined Exam and upper Subordinate Exam. UP Govt Jobs Aspirant can check this Jobalert to participate by fulfilling eligibility criteria. Freejobalert Service collected some important information related to...

PSCWB SI of School Recruitment Notification 2018

West Bengal Public Service Commission (PCWB) Released a new recruitment circular on the official website for Sub Inspector of Schools vacancies recruitment. WB Govt Jobs aspirant who have Bachelor in Education(B.Ed) can check this Jobs Alert. May they can fulfil the eligibility criteria and interested...

Patwari Recruitment in Madhya Pradesh

A new recruit has released for the Office of Commissioner of Land Records & Settlement, the government of Madyapradesh.  Candidates who searching Govt Jobs In MP can check this Job Alert to participate. Freejobalert Service collected some important information related to this Patwari recruitment...

GDS Recruitment in North Eastern Postal Circle(States)

Good News for all jobs aspirant of North Eastern States that India Post Office is going to recruit GDS vacancies. A notification has released on the official website of India Post recruitment. Freejobalert service collected some important information related to this Nort eastern postal Circle recruitment. You may check this GDS Job Details to participate. Gramin Dak Sevak Recruitment in North Eastern...

DLSC Murshidabad Recruitment, Admit Card and Syllabus

District Selection Committee has published a notice for various vacancy recruitment in 2017. Eligible WB Govt jobs aspirants were applied in this recruitment. Now the DLSC Murshidabad is going to organize the competitive exam for this recruitment. Here, Freejobalert Service is sharing the official...

WRD Recruitment Notification for 189 Vacancies

Water Resource Department of Bihar released a new employment news for 189 total vacancies.  Jobs aspirant of Bihar can check this Freejobalert to participate by fulfilling its eligibility criteria. Freejobalert Service collected some important information from the official notification of...

Odisha Police Recruitment notification from OPSSB

Police Jobs aspirants of Odisha state government would be happy to know that the latest Police recruitment notification has released from the Odisha Police State Selection Board (OPSSB). Freejobalert Service collected important information from this OPSSB Recruitment notification. Here, Free Job...

Labour Bureau Recruitment Various Vaancies

Recently, the labour bureau released a new recruitment notification for 875 various vacancies. Govt jobs aspirants can 875 check this Freejobalert to participate. FreeJobAlert service collected some important information related to this Labour Bureau Recruitment of the various vacancy like supervisor investigator consultant state ethnographer vacancies. Delivery department vacancies on the basis...