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PSC Recruitment


UPPSC Recruitment Advertisement and Job Details

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has released a new recruitment notification for Combined Exam and upper Subordinate Exam. UP Govt Jobs Aspirant can check this Jobalert to participate by fulfilling eligibility criteria. Freejobalert Service collected some important information related to this UPPSC Recruitment Exam Notification of Combined State and Upper Subordinate Exam 2018.

UPPSC notification for Forest Department's Jobs

Post Name and vacancy details: The UPPSC notified for recruitment of 924 total vacancies. Post wise vacancy details are written below.
☻Combined State and Upper Subordinate Exam-832 ☻ Assistant Conservator of Forest Exam-16 ☻Range Forest officer Service Exam 76

Post-Wise Educational 
Now, Freejobalert Service providing you with the required educational qualification as per the post name/Department of this UPPSC Recruitment.
■Combined State and Upper Subordinate Exam:  Up Govt Jobs aspirant who want to participate in this Combined State and Upper Subordinate Exam, the candidates should be Graduate/PG, B.Ed and relevant experience.
Assistant Conservator of Forest Exam: Participant for this Assistant Conservator of Forest Exam, the candidates should be graduate from a recognised university.
Range Forest officer Service Exam: Candidates who will participate in the Range Forest officer Service Exam, the participant should bachelor Degree from a recognised university.
►Age lImit: The lower and upper age of the applicant should be between 21 to 40 years as on 1st July 2018.
Last Date to apply: Eligible and interested candidates should be applied on or before 6th August 2018.
►Exam fees: To participate in this exam, the candidates have to pay exam fees Rs 100 and 25 processing fees. Candidates who belong from SC/ST can apply by paying rs 40. no fees for PH candidates. But all the candidates have to pay Processing fees rs 25.

Official notification & Web address 
now, Freejobalert Service providing with you the official notification and web address to apply online. please read the official notification carefully before applying to this UPPSC recruitment 2018.
notification Apply online

Licentiates(LT) Grade Assitant Teacher recruitment

 Advt. No: A-1/E-1/2018
Post name & Vacancies: In this UPPSC teacher recruitment, 10767 Licentiates(LT) Grade Assitant Teacher will have recruited.

Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification: Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment to be a Licentiates Grade Assitant Teacher, candidates must be graduate with the respective subject with the B.Ed or equivalent. The subjective teachers will be recruit by following subjects.
Agriculture, Math, Hindi, English, Mathematics, Commerce, Computer, Home Science, Music, Physical Education, Science, Social Science, Sanskrit, Urdu, Biology and Art.
For Computer teacher: Candidates who want to apply for computer teacher of this UPPSC recruitment 2018, the candidate must have B.ed degree. And also, the candidate must have one of the below degrees.
1.Graduate in Computer Science
2. Graduate in Computer Application
3. BE/B.Tech in Computer Science.
    Age Limit: Job aspirant who wants to apply for this latest teacher recruitment should be between 20 to 40 years. Though, the candidate from a reserved category like Sc ST and OBC will get 5 years upper age relaxation. Age will be calculated as on 1st January 2018.
    Exam Fee: To participate in this teacher recruitment 2018, candidates have to Rs pay 105. Handicapped candidates can apply by paying only Rs 25.
    Selection Procedure: UPPSC will select teachers through written exams and a personality test.
    Application Dates: The application procedure has not started. It will start on 15th March 2018. And you can apply form 15th March to 16th April.
    Notification:- Here is the notification.

    How to apply: Log on the official website of UPPSC and fill all details with your signature and recent passport photocopy and finally pay exam fees as per your categories. Follow the official site of UPPSC for online application link or keep visiting Freejobalert Service of nokria for further updates on UPPSC teacher Recruitment 2018.

    Official Website of UPPSC: For the recent updates and other notification you may follow the UPPSC official website. Here is the official website UPPSC Website
    DSo you need more Sarkari Naukri Alert? We are happy to help you with this job. We have already discussed some latest recruitment before this Job Alert. Check if you like one of below jobs.

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